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It's hard to find one, solid place to learn the Hawaiian language, and it's even harder to find anyone to practice with. That's why Hawaiian Goodness was established - to learn, share, and practice with others of all levels!

This website is a great place to not only learn the Hawaiian language thoroughly and immediately (and for free!), but it's an area to use the language in both a classroom or an informal environment. Interact with others by posting and commenting in the Forum. Articles covering culture, history, food, mythology, vocab, and alternative resources 
are also at your disposal! Create an account to receive notifications for new material.

Exercising your knowledge can be frustrating at times, especially if there aren't many readily available workspaces - contact me for additional practice or any questions.


Have a language question? Recipe request? Need a study buddy?

Let me know!

If you want to practice basic conversation, any exercises you're working on, or need someone to check your answers,

contact me by filling out the information below,

or email !

Thanks for submitting!

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