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Kulāiwi Series

Cut Version

The video series Kulāiwi is an excellent and important resource that is commonly a student's first glance at the Hawaiian language. The teacher, Ekela Kaniaupio-Crozier, educates the viewer on the grammar and vocabulary of Hawaiian, as well as traditional Hawaiʻi's cultural aspects and values, at a starter's level. For mainlanders, you'll also get a glimpse of modern Hawaiʻi's lifestyle and place names. The show was originally aired on TV from the island of Oʻahu in 1994, though nowadays you can readily find it on YouTube!

Each episode is one-hour in length, but because the show was aired Live, understandable mistakes and technical difficulties occured. Phone calls of audience members asking questions on and off topic were also recorded, in addition to outdated information about then-current events.


All of these unnecessary details are cut in the below videos! Explanations, practice, helpful phone calls, and vignettes are retained. The purpose of these edits is to help viewers watch and learn uninterrupted, whether you're watching for the first time, or spending some time brushing up on your Hawaiian. Also included below are brief descriptions of each lesson and example sentences of what you'll be able to understand after watching.

If you prefer the unedited versions of these lessons, not to worry: the link to the original episodes are provided in these YouTube videos' descriptions.

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