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with Hawaiian subtitles

These small videos are all exclusively in Hawaiian so that you can hear the language in everyday situations. Because the audio quality is old, it can be pretty hard to understand the dialogue. Here, once you click CC ("closed captions") on the video, you'll be able to follow along with the Hawaiian subtitles. See how much you can understand without translating!

These small videos accompany the Kulāiwi Hawaiian language learning series. If you're having trouble with a particular vignette, watch the associated lesson to help out with the applied grammar and vocab!

SCENARIO: Kunāne, Pualei, and Keʻalohi meet Tūtū's friend ʻAnakē Lehua
GRAMMAR: Greetings, introductions, and basic commands

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 1

SCENARIO: Our ʻohana and ʻAnakē Lehua go to a Hawaiian restaurant
GRAMMAR: Expressing want

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 2

SCENARIO: Keʻalohi is anxious about her first day of school tomorrow,

                     but feels better after a dream
GRAMMAR: Greetings, introductions, basic commands, expressing want

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 3

SCENARIO: Our ʻohana and ʻAnakē Lehua go to a Hawaiian restaurant
GRAMMAR: Review, longer sentences

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 4

SCENARIO: Kunāne goes out with Mālani and Lauaʻe to the movie theater
GRAMMAR: Describing people, using with names

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 5

SCENARIO: Kunāne goes shopping with Mālani and Lauaʻe at the mall                          and he wants to buy a gift for Keʻalohi
GRAMMAR: Review, longer sentences

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 6

SCENARIO: Kunāne visits ʻAnakala Kaʻeo to help him fix his car.

                     He sees his friend Mālani and is introduced to his cousin.
GRAMMAR: Review (Introductions, commands/suggestions)

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 7

SCENARIO: Kunāne talks to Tūtū about what Hawaiian sovereignty and                       responsibility means to them
GRAMMAR: Equational sentences

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 8

SCENARIO: Kunāne joins Mālani and his friends in paddling a canoe
GRAMMAR: Aia sentences, Locatives

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 9

SCENARIO: Kunāne and Laua'e travel off island
GRAMMAR: Review (Aia sentences, Locatives, Equational sentences)

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 10

SCENARIO: Kunāne and Pualei visit ʻAnakē Lehua.
GRAMMAR: He aha kēia? He __ kēnā sentences

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 11

SCENARIO: Our ʻohana goes to church.
GRAMMAR: Brief review (Greetings, introductions)

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 12

SCENARIO: Kunāne goes to the mall with his friends

                     to buy a graduation gift for a friend of his
GRAMMAR: Kēia vs Kēnā vs Kēlā

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 13 and Kulāiwi Lesson 14

SCENARIO: Kunāne, Kalama, and Kauʻi get ready for the

                     graduation ceremony
GRAMMAR: Past Tense (Ua), Present Progressive Tense (Ke__nei),

                     and Future Tense (E__ana)

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 15 and Kulāiwi Lesson 16

SCENARIO: Kunāne hosts his graduation part
GRAMMAR: Review of tenses

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 17 and Kulāiwi Lesson 18

SCENARIO: Kunāne, Kalama, and Keawe move into their new dorms
GRAMMAR: Review of tenses, tenses in Negative sentences

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 19 and Kulāiwi Lesson 20

SCENARIO: The girls prepare food for a party
GRAMMAR: Review (Tenses, Aia sentences, Locatives), Numbers, Time

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 21

SCENARIO: Kunāne chats with Kalama while getting his hair cut
GRAMMAR: Review                     

LESSON: Kulāiwi Lesson 22 and Kulāiwi Lesson 23

All together!

Watch all of these vignettes back-to-back.

Don't worry - there's subtitles here too!

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