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Join our Discord!

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Discord is a free website/app where you can meet others and talk via a public IM chat. This specific Discord server is related to Hawaiian language and divided into Beginner and Intermediate-Advanced channels, so you can practice with other learners that share your level in real-time!

There are two bonus channels: the Self-Study channel allows you to practice your Hawaiian without conversation with others. So if you're a bit shy but want to practice those exercises, write a daily log, or create some drills for yourself, this is the perfect place to do it! The Grammar-Tips channel provides helpful answers to frequently-asked questions (though some can also be found, more thoroughly explained, on this website's Laʻana page).

Still too shy to practice publicly? Contact me!

Future events that are planned on this Hawaiian Goodness site will take place on this Discord server. During Hawaiian Language Month (February) we feature streams of movies, TV shows, music, and language lessons for your viewing (and learning!) pleasure!

Click here to get started!
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