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Hawaiian Beginner Vocab
Verbs 1, Adverbs, Conjunctions

This next set of vocab contains the first portion of Verbs for the Beginner Vocab lists, as well as very useful Adverbs and Conjunctions. All together, you'll be able to make more meaningful sentences.

Test what you've learned with the vocab quizzes below!

Verbs 1, Adverbs, Conjunctions


Kamaʻilio  (To talk, converse)

Haʻi (To say, tell)


Hāʻawi (To give)

Kipa (To visit)

Kiloi (To throw away)

Koho (To choose)


Kuke (To cook)

Hiamoe (To sleep)

Mālama (To preserve, take care of)


Hele wāwae (To walk)

Hele ʻauana (To wander off)

Holo (To run; To sail)

Holoholo (To go out [for fun], to hang out)

Hoʻi (To return [yourself])

Hoʻihoʻi (To return [object])



Nō (Emphatic marker; “indeed, quite”)

Loa (Very)

Hou (More, again)

Nui (Important)

Pū (Together; too)

ʻāwīwī (Quickly)

ʻānō (Right away, immediately, now)

Paha (Maybe, perhaps)

Mau (Always, forever, continually; still)

Pinepine (Frequently, often)

iki (A little while; a little bit)

Wale (nō) (Just, only)

ʻAno (Rather, somewhat, kind of)

       → Comes before adjective


A (And [with verbs and adjectives])

A me (And [with nouns])

Me (With)

A i ʻole (Or)

Akā (But)

inā (If)

Naʻe (Nevertheless)

Hū, ka [adj] o [noun]! (Wow, how [adj] that [noun] is!)

       → Ex. Hū, ka nani o ka puke! (Wow, how nice the book is / That book sure is nice!)

The first button below will take you to Quizlet - this site will allow you to view this vocab list, practice using flashcards, play word games, and quiz yourself. Click there to access these features!

The second button below will take you to Memrise - I created a specific quiz that will test you on these terms with only pictures as a prompt. This means that you won't see any English, and you'll get to exercise your knowledge of these words in Hawaiian only! Some words are impossible to put to an image, however, so some may be missing.

But remember: nothing beats good, old-fashioned pen and paper!

Hawaiian Vocabulary for Beginners - Verbs 1, Adverbs, Conjunctions.jpg
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