Even for the Mainlander
VOCAB: Computer [exterior]
Below are two images labelled with Hawaiian: a desktop computer and a laptop setup.
Memorize the vocab from the pictures, but in case it's not clear what is shown there is a list of these terms adjacent to the image. Underneath, there is a breakdown of most terms - it's not necessary to memorize these, but it will help you grasp the true meaning of the words and thus make memorization easier to retain.

Computer = Lolo uila, Kamepiula
Monitor, screen = (Pahu) papakaumaka
Keyboard = Papa pihi
Mouse = ʻiole
Speaker = Pahu leo
Router = Hoʻokuʻina huinawele
CD (disk) = (Ke pā) sēdē
Button, key = (Ke) pihi
Disk drive = Kakena
Cursor = Nahau (ʻiole)
Scroller = Mea lolelole
Breakdown of words
-Lolo, uila = Brain, electric
-(Pahu) papa, kau, maka = (Box) board, place, eyes
Pahu is in parentheses because old monitors used to be box-like, but nowadays they are much thinner
-Papa, pihi = Board, button/key
-ʻiole = Mouse, rat
-Pahu, leo = Box, voice/sound
In the picture, speakers are labelled with pahu, but pahu should now be optional since speakers are usually built into the computer
-Hoʻokuʻina huinawele
Hoʻokuʻi = To connect
kuʻina = Connection
Huinawele = Network hub
-(Ke) Pā sēdē
Pā is used for any small, circular object: a plate/dish, pan, record, and here: disk
-(Ke) Pihi = Button (including on clothing)
-Kakena = Cartridge
-Nahau (ʻiole) = (Mouse) arrow
ʻiole is in parentheses here because, based on context, you don't have to specify the type of arrow here, but you can if necessary
-Mea, lolelole = Thing, scroll/scan/skim

Laptop = Lawelima
Camera = Pahupaʻikiʻi
Headphones/Headset = Apo lohe
Microphone = ipuleo
Mouse pad = Pale ʻiole
Charger = Mea hoʻoikehu
Wire = uea
Breakdown of words
-Lawe, lima = Bring/take, hand (Portable)
You can also precede this word with Kamepiula or lolo uila
-Pahu, paʻi, kiʻi = Box, print/snap, images
This word was made in the time where cameras were actual boxes (Kodaks). Since cameras today are usually built into a device, pahu should be able to be omitted, but I haven't seen that ever happen so it's not in parentheses. It could be argued that the device (e.g. a phone) could be the "box."
-Apo, lohe = Circle/circuit/loop, to hear
-ipu, leo = gourd/vessel, voice/sound
There are two other synonyms to mean "microphone": mea hoʻolele leo (thing, to project, voice/sound) and lawe ʻōlelo (Bring/take speech)
-Mea, hoʻoikehu = Thing, to make power/energy
Prompt ~
In the Forum, write a description of your own personal computer setup. What features does it include? What doesn't it include? What is each aspect used for, and how often do you use them? Write about as much as you like, to practice.
Additionally, if someone else has already answered this prompt, comment on their post. Maybe note some similarities or differences between your setups!