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VOCAB: Computer [system]

The system of a computer contains more items than a simple picture or two would be able to illustrate. So below, instead of an image, is a short video taking you through what you'd see on screen while navigating your computer!

Memorize the vocab from the video, but in case it's not clear what is shown there is a list of these terms adjacent. Underneath, there is a breakdown of most terms - it's not necessary to memorize these, but it will help you grasp the true meaning of the words and thus make memorization easier to retain.

  • Kaomi = To click

  • Kaomi pālua = To double click

  • Paʻina = Click (the sound itself)

  • ʻOneki = Desktop

  • Kiʻiona = Icon;
    Polokalamu = Program

  • Papa koho = Task bar

  • Hoʻomaka = Start

  • Papa kuhikuhi = Start menu

  • Papa waihona = File menu, directory

  • Lolelole = To scroll

  • Wahī = Folder

  • Kakena paʻaloko = Hard drive ; 
    Kakena kūloko = Internal drive

  • Waihona ʻike = Memory

  • Kakena kūwaho = External drive

  • Huli = To search

  • E hana ana = Working...

  • Waihona = File
    Palapala = Document

  • Hoʻomaka iā Miscrosoft Word... = Starting Microsoft Word...

  • Ke kikokiko nei au = I am typing

  • Kikokikona = Text

  • Mālama = Save

  • Mālama ma ka inoa ʻo _ = Save as

  • Pani = Close
    Haʻalele = Quit

  • Hana kope = To make a copy

  • Kope = To copy; (A) copy
    Kumu kope = Original copy

  • ʻOpi = To compress (make a zip file)

  • Waihona ʻopihia = Compressed file

  • Holoi = Delete

  • Paʻi = Print

  • Mīkini paʻi = Printer

  • Pepa i paʻi ʻia = Printed paper

  • Hoʻoili = To download

  • Hoʻouka = To upload, install

  • Pae ʻōnaehana = Operating system

Breakdown of words

-Kōmi is another term for Kaomi but used in Niʻihau

-Pālua = Twice, double, dual

  • Can be used as an Adverb, like in Kaomi pālua


  • Paʻi = To stamp, slap; now used to mean "To print" (starting from the days of typewriters and how they used to print newspapers)

  • -na is a common ending on certain verbs to make them nouns

-ʻOneki = Deck (from English), as in the platform


  • Kiʻi = Image + aforementioned -na

-Polokalamu = Program (from English)

-Papakoho = Board/flat surface/list, To choose

-Papa, kuhikuhi = Board/flat surface/list, To point/direct/show

-Papa, waihona = Board/flat surface/list, storage/file

  • Waihona is composed of the verb Waiho = To leave (something behind) and the aforementioned -na; it usually translates to "Storage" (i.e. place where you can leave things behind)

-Wahī = Folder (physical or on the computer), wrapper, envelope

-Kakena, paʻaloko = Cartridge, built inside

  • Kakena, kūloko = Cartridge, standing inside

  • Kakena kūwaho = Cartrdige, standing outside

-Waihona, ʻike = Storage, knowledge

-Kikokiko = To type; originally meaning "To dot, spot, speckle" (as in, paper);it could also have derived simply as an onomatopoeia for how typewriting or newspaper printing sounded at the time - in this sense, kikiko can also be used as a synonym to paʻi to mean "To print"

  • Kikokikona = Kikokiko "To type" + aforementioned -na

-Mālama = To save, preserve

-Mālama ma ka inoa ʻo _ = To save in the name _

-Haʻalele = To leave (as in, from a building)

-Hana kope = To make, copy (from English)

-ʻOpi = To fold, crease (as in, clothes, which makes them smaller for storage)

-Waihona, ʻopihia = Storage, compressed/collapsed (from the verb ʻopi, likely with the aforementioned -na with the letter -n- dropped)

-Holoi = To wash, erase

-Mīkini, paʻi = Machine (from English), To print

-Pepa i paʻi ʻia = Paper (from English) that has been printed

-Hoʻoili = To transfer, distribute

-Hoʻouka = Originally: To load, as cargo or freight; To put on, as gear on a horse

-Pae, ʻōnaehana = Platform, System

Prompt ~

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