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VOCAB: Mouth

Here are some words detailing the anatomy of the mouth that go beyond

what you learn in a conventional Hawaiian textbook.
Some terms have already been labeled in Vocab: Face so won't appear here.

The images are labeled so you can learn without translating into English in your head.
If, however, some areas are confusing, the English is provided below for you.

This page will be updated to include more body parts,

so be sure to periodically check for an update!

Mouth - Details

Mouth - Labeled.jpg
  • Kīleo = Roof of mouth, 
    soft spot/uvula behind hard roof

  • Alelo = Tongue
    (sometimes Elelo)

  • Kūʻau alelo = Back of tongue

  • Lau alelo = "Tongue blade"
    Part of the tongue right before the tip

  • Wēlau alelo = Tip of tongue
    (sometimes ʻēlau alelo)

  • Papa niho = Layer/unison of teeth
    Pae niho = Row/cluster of teeth

  • Niho = Tooth

  • Ole = Canine

  • Kuʻi = Molar

  • Aʻalolo hoʻāʻo = Taste bud

  • ʻiʻo pale niho = Gums

Prompt ~

No prompts yet! This will be updated once more body parts (and associated verbs) are added.

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